Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled a list of our frequently asked questions if you don’t see the information your looking for or if you need additional information feel free to email or call us anytime (956)455-7434


“What does Hands On Medical Billing offer my medical practice?”

Hands On Medical Billing is a billing service company that focuses totally on medical practice client needs. Our services include all of your billing requirements utilizing industry specific collection practices and we also address the needs of your patients such as information and documentation.


“How will my office staff know how to work with your service?”

Hands On Medical Billing provides in office training for your staff.


“How can Hands On Medical Billing improve my cash flow with regard to insurance claims?”

Hands On Medical Billing greatly increases your cash flow by utilizing proven methods of insurance processing, follow-up, accurate coding techniques, and proper staff training.


“Does Hands On Medical Billing replace one or more of my staff members?”

It is our suggestion that your current billing staff be utilized in a different capacity. They should be focusing on increased production and giving patients more personalized attention, thereby greatly increasing your patient’s acceptance of treatment plans you initiate. If you have a current vacancy in your office, utilizing Hands On Medical Billing’s services will eliminate the need to fill that position.


“Can Hands On Medical Billing handle large businesses, such as multiple practice groups, hospitals and clinics?”

Absolutely. Hands On Medical Billing’s structure allows us to manage large business needs as well as small. A team of billing specialists is assigned specifically to your office to handle your billing needs. Your team size is directly related to how much business you do a month.


“Can Hands On Medical Billing handle multiple medical specialties within a single practice?”

Yes, we incorporate state of the art technology and the most effective billing techniques available to handle multiple dentists and specialties within a practice.


“How long does it take to receive reimbursement?”

The average time to collect on electronic reimbursement is between 14 to 21 days.


“Who will handle my actual payments (checks and cash) and deposits?”

Your office staff will open all mail, collect all payments and make all deposits. Hands On Medical Billing never handles your money.


“Will I see a delay in billing while we are being evaluated and setup to file electronic claims offsite?”

No, your staff will continue with business as usual while setup is underway with the exception of training. Training can be scheduled at your office staff’s convenience.


“Would it be more cost effective to file electronic claims in-house instead of using Hands On Medical Billing or another billing service?”

No, by enlisting Hands On Medical Billing services you will reduce your operation overhead (salary, benefits, office space, hardware and software costs are reduced or eliminated). You will discover that Hands On Medical Billing services employs effective billing techniques that require finite detail. As an example, there are many trade secrets that when applied can result in operational savings and greater consistency in payments. Just as a medical professional specializes in a certain field of practice, Hands On Medical Billing focuses totally on billing and billing practices and is not distracted by patient care as in-house billing staff can often be. We understand government policies, have a greater understanding of programs, constantly keep up to date with the latest in rulings, code changes (CPT and ICD-9 code changes), and have contacts with carriers to stay abreast of internal changes that may have an impact and much more.


“Can Hands On Medical Billing collect on overdue accounts?”

We can and do collect overdue accounts on your behalf. However, Hands On Medical Billing is a billing service and even though we collect your payments by various means, we do not act as collection agency and when accounts exceed 120 days past due we recommend more stringent action such as enlisting a collection agency. We have in house collection agency that will utilize its expertise to effectively collect from the patients.


“How much does Hands On Medical Billing service cost?”

We charge a percentage based on the receivables for your practice. Our fees are competitively priced and we offer discounts for longer contract commitments. We encourage you to ask yourself this question: “How much will Hands On Medical Billing service save me and increase my practice revenue?” Our staff can help you answer this very important question.


“Does Hands On Medical Billing charge annual renewal fees, licensing fees, additional charges or are there hidden or undisclosed fees associated with your billing service?”

Hands On Medical Billing fully discloses all relevant fees from the beginning of our relationship and these charges or fees are clearly stated in your contract. In addition, you may rest assured we never charge annual renewal fees.


“Does Hands On Medical Billing guarantee its services?”

Yes, we guarantee our services. We feel totally confident that you will be pleased with our services, so much so that we only get paid after you have collected the receivables due your practice.